Hordes & Nuées, Festival Images, CEPV, Vevey, CH
Hordes & Nuées [Hordes & Swarms] is a visual essay about animality, bringing together in a narrative sequence 104 appropriated images from 56 photographers. It explores our relationship to animality in an exuberant visual assemblage where the postures, attitudes and gestures of men and animals echo one another. Images abound and ricochet, exposing our feral part, buried but ready to erupt. The exhibition presents itself as a fiery and carnal parade, whose ferocity is tinged with tenderness and where brutality merges into grace.
All 56 photographers have close ties with the CEPV photography school – current and former students in majority but also lecturers and teachers – and exhibition thus also offers a portrayal of the institution.
Curated by Danaé Panchaud & Myriam Ziehli
With Pauline Aellen, Vicky Althaus, Yvan Alvarez, David Amaral, Jean Luc Andrianasolo, Yannic Bartolozzi, Mehdi Benkler, Matthias Bruggmann, Stefan Burger, Mathilde de Galbert, Charles de Senarclens, Sami El Kasm, Guillaume Epars, Valentin Faure, Léa Favre, Matthieu Gafsou, David Gagnebin-de Bons, Anne Golaz, Roberto Greco, Shannon Guerrico, Sandrine Gutierrez, Yann Haeberlin, Nicole Hametner, Cécile Hesse & Gaël Romier, Yann Laubscher, Olivier Lovey, Lisa Lurati, Mathilde Magnée, Yann Mingard, Aso Mohammadi, Laura Morales, Johanne Morrison, Giona Mottura, Eric Nehr, Marie Nussbaumer, Mathilda Olmi, Taiyo Onorato & Nico Krebs, Virginie Otth, Antigoni Papantoni, Jean-Noël Pazzi, Dylan Perrenoud, Augustin Rebetez, Jonathan Roessel, Paul Rousteau, Juliette Russbach, Diego Saldiva, Nicolas Savary, Tilo Steireif, Valentina Suter, Marie Taillefer, Vincent Tille, Christophe Voisin, Benoiît Vollmer, Annabelle Zermatten

13.09 – 5.10.2014